Car Insurance
Car Insurance

Protect Yourself Whichever Road You Take

Car insurance provides the financial cover you need at the time of an accident. While driving, especially if you are alone in an emergency, the right cover is precisely what you need. It also lends you peace of mind at the same time.

When you buy a car insurance policy from Liberty General Insurance (LGI), you get more than basic protection. With it, car owners like you are covered against the below crucial factors:

  • 1. Damages to the insured vehicle.
  • 2. Any third-party liability determined by the law.

Why Liberty General?
Car Insurance Benefits You Should Know

As we said earlier, a four-wheeler insurance policy from Liberty General gives you more than basic protection. Our services are efficient, convenient, and our products are best-in-class. Let us take a look at the significant benefits you can get with our car policy:

  • hasslefree Image

    Hassle-Free Claims

    You have access to inspection & cashless claim service at more than 4300 network garages

  • Claim Assistance

    Seamless Claim Assistance at Any Time

    You can settle your claim conveniently and at the earliest.

  • Transfer Image

    Easy Policy Renewal

    You can renew an existing policy from any insurance provider and bring it to Liberty General Insurance for better services. This includes your current no-claim bonus.

  • Avail

    Additional Protection Availability

    You can choose from several additional protective covers for your convenience.

  • Telephonic Service

    Efficient Telephonic Services

    You can get effective claims support & assistance from 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM seven days a week.

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Why Should You Have Car Insurance?

There are five reasons why you must have car insurance:

  • It Is Mandatory: The most prominent reason to have a car policy is that you have a legal obligation to do so. In India, driving a car without third-party insurance is a punishable offence. This rule is according to the terms of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988.
  • It Helps Pay for Damages: Have you ever noticed minor scratches or abrasions on your car? Has your car's side-view mirror been knocked off because someone threw a cricket ball at it? All these and more damages may occur whether your vehicle is moving or parked. With a robust car policy, you can claim damages and cut down on repair expenses.
  • It Protects Your Loved Ones When You Can't: Car accidents happen without warning, and at times they may be serious or fatal. Your injuries may cause partial or permanent disability or even death. If you want your family's finances to be secure in case anything happens to you while driving, then you must buy car insurance. To safeguard yourself you can opt for an owner-driver cover on your policy.

Types of car insurance covers

At Liberty General Insurance, you can choose between two types of car policies. You can visit the nearest branch; however, if you buy car insurance online, it is more convenient and faster. Take a look at both policy options:

  • 1. Liability Only Policy: Having this car insurance policy is a statutory requirement in India. Any damage or theft to your vehicle by a third party gets covered.
  • 2. Stand-Alone Own Damage (SOD) Policy:An SOD or OD insurance cover will cover any damage to your own vehicle not because of a third-party. For example, when your car is parked, and a tree branch falls on it.
  • 3. Comprehensive Policy:At Liberty General, you can get this as a package. (Liability Only Policy + OD or Own Damage Cover. The cover extends to the owner's vehicle.)
  • 4.*Add-On Covers:You can customise and get car insurance covers according to specific coverage.

*Add-on covers vary based on how old your vehicle is. Do check with your insurance provider for more information.

What Does Your 4-Wheeler Insurance Include?

Car policy covers have inclusions and exclusions, here is our list of both. At Liberty General, our car insurance includes own damage to the vehicle insured caused by:

  • 1. Accident due to external impact
  • 2. Damage due to an earthquake, flood, storm, landslide, rockslide
  • 3. Loss of the vehicle through burglary or housebreaking
  • 4. Irreparable damage of the vehicle due to a fire, explosion, self-ignition, lightning
  • 5. Damage due to malicious intent including riots, strikes, or terrorism
  • 6. Accident to the vehicle while in transit by road, rail, inland waterway or on a lift.

What are the exclusions in a car insurance policy?

Your Liberty General four-wheeler insurance excludes the following:

  • 1. Wear and tear from daily commute, mechanical or electrical breakdown, failure or breakage
  • 2. Damage caused by a person driving with an invalid driving license or under the influence of alcohol/drugs
  • 3. Loss as a consequence of depreciation in your car's value
  • 4. Claims arising out of contractual liability
  • 5. Loss/damage to your car due to war, civil war, mutiny, nuclear perils, etc.
  • 6. Damage to tyres and tubes unless it is during an accident
  • 7. Driving under conditions other than under 'limitations of use'. (E.g. Using a private car as a cab.)
  • 8. Loss/damage of your vehicle outside India.

Whether you buy car insurance online or offline, you need to know about these inclusions and exclusions.

Additional Covers from Liberty General:

When you buy car insurance, you can also opt for add-on covers based on your needs. Let's take a look:

a) Depreciation Cover

Under this cover, you can claim the depreciation amount deducted on the value of parts. These are parts you may have replaced as a result of an admissible claim under the Own Damage Section of your policy.

Conditions Under Which You Can Claim this Cover:

You have to repair the insured vehicle at any of Liberty General's authorised garages.

Exclusions Under this Cover:

You cannot claim repairs at any of our authorised garages.

b) Consumables Cover

It covers expenses towards "those items of specific use which at the time of loss are either consumed or rendered unfit for further consumption" arising out of damage to the vehicle insured and to its accessories.

Consumables shall mean those items which have a specific use and are useless or unfit when applied to their respective uses after a while. These items include grease, lubricants clip, air conditioner gas, bearings, engine oil, oil filter, brake oil, nut and bolt, screw, washers and other perishable parts.

Special conditions applicable:

  • 1. If a claim has to become payable under this add-on, it should be permissible under the "Own Damage Section" of your 4-wheeler insurance policy.
  • 2. You have to support all these relevant costs with original bills or invoices. These documents have to be only from authorised garages of Liberty General Insurance.
  • 3. You have to carry out these repairs within three (3) days from the date of loss.

Exclusions Under this Cover:

  • 1. Expenses under this add-on in the event of a total or constructive loss
  • 2. Labour charges and service taxes of repairs of these consumables
  • 3. Repairs or labour bills from local garages against insured items.

c) Gap Value Cover

Under this cover, you can claim the difference between what you receive under the 'Own Damage Section' and the price on your purchase invoice.

It also covers road tax and first-time registration charges if you specifically declare them and pay an additional premium.

Liberty General's maximum liability is limited to the sum insured mentioned in the policy schedule.

Special Conditions of this benefit

  • 1. The vehicle is not more than three years old on the start date of the policy.
  • 2. The Total or Constructive Total Loss (CTL) or total theft of the vehicle should be admissible under the 'Own Damage Section' of the policy.
  • 3. The insured should be the first registered owner of the vehicle.
  • 4. The insured vehicle should be manufactured in India.


  • 1. It covers only first-registered-owner vehicles
  • 2. It does not cover imported cars.

d) Roadside Assistance Cover

If your insured vehicle breaks down, you can get roadside assistance from Liberty General Insurance. You can get in touch with a pre-approved, local mechanic or garage owner anywhere in India. We are one of the few insurance companies to have this add-on benefit. The related services under this cover include:

  • 1. Assistance in relocating the broken-down vehicle to the nearest network garage
  • 2. Repair services for minor breakdowns
  • 3. Assistance in case you are locked out or have lost your car keys
  • 4. Assistance in changing a flat tyre
  • 5. Arranging emergency fuel in case the vehicle runs out of of it
  • 6. Assistance in providing alternative transport to the nearest safe location for you and your passengers.

Special conditions

You will have to pay charges for any services which do not form part of the standard services. These additional expenses include replacement of a part, additional fuel which are beyond the allowable expenses.

Exclusions Under this Cover:

  • 1. Any roadside assistance sought from a vendor unauthorised by Liberty General
  • 2. Any expenses toward part replacements or fuel costs.

e) Passenger Assistance Cover

This is a comprehensive cover for the safety of people travelling with you in your car. The expenses include:

  • Hospital Allowance
  • Medical Expenses
  • Medical Transport Assistance

Special Conditions applicable to this Medical Expenses Coverage:

Liberty General will cover medical expenses for treatment taken from only registered medical practitioners. These practitioners must have registrations from their respective medical councils.

f) Key Loss Cover

If you extra premium as mentioned in your car policy schedule, you can get this coverage subject to terms, conditions, exclusions and limitations. You can get reimbursement for these expenses:

  • 1. The cost of replacing your car keys in case you have lost, broken or damaged them.
  • 2. The cost of replacing keys if your vehicle is damaged during a break-in and you lose your keys. Or if the security of your car is threatened.

Special Condition for Not Using this Cover

Special Condition for Not Using this Cover: It is vital to provide a police report confirming the incident details that occurred during the mentioned policy.

g) Engine Safe Cover

You can apply for an add-on cover to pay for your engine. The cover also extends to expenses including the engine block and gearbox. You can claim for expenses to your car engine only under these conditions:

  • 1. If your engine gets filled with water
  • 2. If your car is leaking lubricant or oil from the engine due to accidental damages.

Special Conditions:You can claim for repairs under water ingression only after you provide sufficient evidence of the vehicle being submerged or having stopped in a waterlogged area.

The vehicle is taken to the garage within 24 hours after water levels recede in the waterlogged area. You have to inform Liberty General of reduced water levels within three days.

You must take reasonable care to avoid further damage to your car's engine or gearbox after water ingression or leakage of lubricating oil. You must not try to crank or push-start the engine after the undercarriage is damaged or your car stops due to waterlogging.

Special Exclusions Under this Cover:Any loss or damage covered under the manufacturer's warranty or part of manufacturer's recall.

Any loss or damage to the engine or gearbox due to delayed intimation to Liberty General or delay in retrieving the insured vehicle from a waterlogged area.

Car Insurance FAQs

Q1. Is it mandatory to have car insurance in India?

Answer. Yes, motor insurance is mandatory in India. You have to have at least a third-party car insurance policy in India. It is a statutory requirement as per the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988.

Q2. What is car insurance?

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Answer. It is an insurance policy that protects cars against damage or loss resulting from an accident, theft or any other third-party liability. You can buy car insurance online or by visiting a Liberty General Insurance branch.

Q3. What are the types of car insurance policies?

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Answer. At Liberty General, there are two types of car insurance:

  • 'Liability Only' or Third-Party Car Insurance

Third-party insurance is essential and mandatory for every car on the road. It only covers loss or damage suffered by a third party in case of an accident in an insured vehicle. A 'Liability Only' policy does not cover any loss or damage to the insured vehicle or the insured.

  • Comprehensive Car Insurance

This policy Includes loss or damage to the insured as well as the third-party, in case of theft or accident.

Q4. When do you buy a commercial car insurance policy?

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Answer. A commercial car insurance policy is required if you use or operate a commercial vehicle up to 3500 GVW. For example, a black and yellow taxi.

Q5. Is it required to renew four-wheeler insurance every year?

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Answer. Yes. Insurers generally offer car insurance policies for 12 months. So you will have to renew your car insurance every year. If you like, you can buy car insurance online. In this way, you can get benefits like better premiums, minimal paperwork, and much more.

Q6. When I buy a new car insurance policy, do I purchase a third party or comprehensive car insurance?

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Answer. Third-party car insurance is mandatory in India. But you should buy a policy according to your requirements. As the Liability Only policy covers third-party liability exclusively, you will not be able to claim any damage to your vehicle. Hence, it is advisable to buy a comprehensive cover as it protects you and your car against accidental damages or losses.

Q7. What are the factors that affect the premiums on a car policy?

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Answer. These factors can affect your car insurance policy premium:

  • a) Insured's Declared Value (IDV) of the vehicle
  • b) Cubic capacity of the vehicle
  • c) Geographical zones (city of registration of the vehicle). Your premium will vary according to your location, which means that car insurance in Delhi will be different from one in Mumbai, Chennai or Bangalore.
  • d) Age of the car
  • e) Claim history of your car
  • f) Selection of voluntary deductibles in the 4-wheeler insurance policy.

Q8.What is an Insured Declared Value (IDV) in a car insurance policy?

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Answer. An Insured Declared Value or an IDV (of the sum insured under your car policy) reflects the value of your car. This value is determined based on the manufacturer's listed selling price and depreciation based on your car's age. The IDV is fixed at the start of each policy period for each insured vehicle. The IDV applies to Total or Constructive Total Loss (TL/CTL) claims only. For TL/CTL claim settlement, this IDV will not change during the currency of the policy period in question. The insurer's liability shall in no circumstance exceed the IDV as specified in the policy schedule less the value of the wreck & excess.

The IDV depreciates with age, which means car insurance prices for a new car will be higher than an old car.

Q9. What is a No-Claim Bonus or NCB in four wheeler insurance?

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Answer. No-claim bonus (NCB) is a discount in OD premium offered by vehicle insurance companies on car insurance. This bonus applies only if an Insured has not made a single claim during the term of the car policy. The NCB slab is set at (GR 27). You are entitled to an NCB only at the time of policy renewal. Moreover, this bonus applies only to new car insurance policies, and each policy tenure is 12 months.

You can transfer a No Claim Bonus on another new car insurance policy subject to you having an NCB Reserving Letter.

You are ineligible for an NCB in these two situations:

  • 1. In case there is a break of more than 90 days between policy renewals.
  • 2. In case the ownership of the vehicle and its insurance is transferred to you.

Q10. What happens to the NCB of my car insurance if I switch my insurance company?

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Answer. The next slab of an NCB will be allowed in the new car policy of your new insurer. This is subject to a no-ownership transfer, no claim in the previous policy and the previous policy has to have been active for the entire tenure of 12 Months (365 days). You can compare quotes and the benefits of purchasing the best car insurance policy in India with the advantage of NCB.

Q11. Why use a car insurance calculator before buying?

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Answer. Using a car insurance calculator, you can calculate the estimated premium for your car insurance online. Just enter your requirements in the online calculator to get instant insurance quotes. Doing this will help you get your hands on the best car insurance in India.

Q12. Why purchase car insurance online?

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Answer. It is beneficial to buy a car policy online in India, as there are various policies from which to choose. You can make more informed decisions. When you buy any car policy online, research thoroughly and then decide. Buying online also helps you save time and money. You can also get more benefits.

Q1. Can I buy Liberty General's car insurance online?

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Answer. Yes, you can buy LGI car insurance online. Whether you want to buy new car insurance online or renew it, both options are available on the LGI website.

Q2. What are the types of car policies offered by LGI??

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Answer. Liberty General offers two types of car insurance- a Package Policy and a Third Party Liability Policy.

Q3. What are the add-ons available at Liberty General?

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Answer. Liberty General's car insurance policies are among the best in India, and they offer maximum coverage through 7 add-on covers:

  • 1.Depreciation Cover
  • 2.Consumable Cover
  • 3.GAP value cover
  • 4.Passenger-Assist Cover
  • 5.Roadside-Assistance cover
  • 6.Key-loss cover
  • 7.Engine-safe covers

Q4. Are electrical and non-electrical accessories covered?

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Answer. All electrical and non-electrical accessories will be covered under LGI's car policies as follows:

  • Electrical accessories

Electrical accessories which aren't factory-fitted will be covered under the insurance policy on payment of additional premium.

  • Non-electrical accessories

Any non-electrical equipment which is not factory-fitted will be covered under non-electrical accessories at an additional premium.

Q5. What coverage is offered for third-party liability under a Liberty General car policy?

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Answer. Liberty General's car insurance coverage for third-party damages includes:

  • 1. Permanent injury or death caused by the insured vehicle
  • 2. Damage to any property (excluding the vehicle) due to the insured vehicle.

Q6. How many network garages are there under Liberty General's network?

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Answer. With Liberty General car insurance, you can get cashless claim services at 4300 network garages.

Q7. How do I register a car insurance claim with Liberty General?

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Answer. You can register your claim in the following ways-

  • 1. Call us on 1800 266 5844
  • 2. Register on car insurance claims online on our website.

Q8. How can I pay for car insurance online?

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Answer. There are multiple online payment options, e.g. credit card, net banking, debit card, etc.

Q9. Does Liberty General's car insurance come with a personal accident cover?

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Answer. Yes. Liberty General offers personal accident cover to the owner/driver. However, you can also purchase an add-on personal accident cover for your passengers by paying extra premium.

Q10. Does Liberty General only offer 4-wheeler insurance online?

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Answer. You can buy car insurance online through our website or visit a branch nearest to you. You can locate a branch nearest to you by using the 'Branch Locator' option on our website. However, buying four-wheeler insurance online is a better option as you get a policy instantly with minimal paperwork, and you get better benefits as well.

Car Insurance Glossary (A)

  • Accident: Any event that is not planned and causes damage, injury or death.
  • Actual Cash Value – It is the market value of a vehicle that is paid in case of total loss or damage to a vehicle.
  • Accidental Death and Dismemberment: It is an insurance benefit or rider which pays a stated amount in the event of death and dismemberment caused by accident.
  • Accident Frequency: The number of accidents that occur in a given time.

Car Insurance Glossary (B)

  • Bodily Injury: Any injury, sickness, disease or death that is the result of an accident.

Car Insurance Glossary (C)

  • Car Insurance: An insurance policy which is specifically designed for a four-wheeler and provides reimbursement for third-party and own damage expenses.
  • Car Insurance Calculator: A tool that can be used to estimate your online car policy premium.
  • Cancellation: Termination of an insurance contract by the insurer or insured before the renewal date of 4-wheeler insurance.
  • Claim: If your vehicle suffers damage due to an accident or due to any natural disaster, you can file for a claim.
  • Claim amount: It is the amount of money the insurance company agrees to pay for the accidental damages as per the terms and conditions of an online car policy.
  • Coverage: It is the protection or benefits of a motor vehicle insurance policy.
  • Comprehensive Coverage: A comprehensive car insurance policy pays for physical damage or loss of your vehicle due to natural calamities, vandalism, fire, and theft, and also covers third-party loss and damages.
  • Collision Coverage: It covers repair or replacement of your car in case of a collision, which happens due to no one else's fault but yours.
  • Car Insurance Quotes: It is an estimate of premium for the insurance coverage you select based upon the information you enter into the car insurance calculator.

Car Insurance Glossary (D)

  • Deductible: It is the amount of the loss that has to be paid by the insured before the insurance company pays for the claim. The deductible amount is fixed at the time you buy car insurance.
  • Depreciation: The percentage loss in value of the vehicle due to age, and wear and tear. As the age of the vehicle increases, the depreciation rate increases, and the amount offered by the insurer in the event of a car insurance policy claim goes down.

Car Insurance Glossary (E)

  • Exclusions: These are all the perils or risks that are not covered under the terms of an insurance policy. For example, a car policy does not offer cover for everyday wear and tear, accidents that occur due to driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, etc.

Car Insurance Glossary (I)

  • Inclusion: These are all the perils or risks that are covered under the terms of an insurance policy—for example, accidents due to external means, third-party liabilities, etc.
  • Insured: The person who is covered under an insurance policy is the insured or the policyholder.
  • Insurer: It is the insurance company which provides insurance coverage to the insured upon payment of premium.
  • Insurance Policy: A formal contract between an insurer and insured which describes complete policy terms and conditions including, coverage, exclusions, premiums and deductibles, etc.
  • Insured Declared Value (IDV): IDV of the vehicle is the value of the vehicle after deducting for depreciation. In other words, it is the current market value of the vehicle. IDV is the amount which is paid by the insurer on theft or total loss of a vehicle and is agreed upon by the insurer and the insured. IDV of a vehicle reduces with age, and the premium is calculated based on it.

Car Insurance Glossary (L)

  • Lapse: Termination of a policy due to non-payment of premiums.
  • Limit: The maximum amount of insurance protection that is offered in a policy term.

Car Insurance Glossary (N)

  • Network garage: The garages which come under the network of your insurance provider. The best online car insurance provider would be one who has a wide range of network garages.
  • No Claim Bonus (NCB): NCB is offered on policy renewals when the insured does not claim during the policy period. Insurers offer NCB as a discount on the Own Damage Premium.

Car Insurance Glossary (O)

  • Own Damage Premium (OD): In case of an accident, own damage coverage pays the expenses incurred on insured's vehicle due to repair or replacement of damaged parts due to a road accident, theft or damage of your car due to fire, earthquake, etc.
  • Online car insurance: This is any car insurance policy that you can purchase online. Buy four-wheeler insurance online to save on money and time, and also get additional benefits.

Car Insurance Glossary (P)

  • Personal Accident Cover: It covers the insured against accidental death and permanent total disability. Personal accident rider can also be purchased to cover passengers of the car.
  • Policy Period: It is the time during which an insurance policy is in force and provides coverage to the insured.
  • Policy Schedule: The insurance contract which includes the details of an insurance policy. It includes the period of insurance, the car details and other related information about the policy.
  • Premium: The amount paid by the insured to the insurer to get covered as per the terms and conditions of the policy.

Car Insurance Glossary (R)

  • Rider: A written agreement attached to the policy which enhances the benefits otherwise payable under the policy.

Car Insurance Glossary (S)

  • Surveyor: A person nominated by the insurance company for examination and settlement of insurance claims.

Car Insurance Glossary (T)

  • Third-Party: In an insurance contract, the third party is anyone other than the policyholder covered under the insurance policy. The insured or policyholder is the first party, the insurance company is the second party, and anyone else is a third party in the contract.
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Why Car Insurance?

Listen to Our Customers

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Thanks Manish

Dear Mr. Dharma – I would like to thank your company personnel at the customer services division for their excellent support. Your customer care executive, Manish Bhatia took care of all my queries in a very courteous and professional manner.

Would also like to thank Mr. R Rajkiran from ‘Invee Intelligence Private Limited’ and Mr. Umesh for taking this issue to closure.

Keep up the good work.

Majid Hashmat

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Thanks Manish

Dear Mr. Dharma – I would like to thank your company personnel at the customer services division for their excellent support. Your customer care executive, Manish Bhatia took care of all my queries in a very courteous and professional manner.

Would also like to thank Mr. R Rajkiran from ‘Invee Intelligence Private Limited’ and Mr. Umesh for taking this issue to closure.

Keep up the good work.

Majid Hashmat

Car Insurance Reviews

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Average RatingBased on 35 Ratings

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8/20/2021 09:30:20 AM

Category: General Insurance

hi. ashish singal, 09700616177 there is not at all good response from ur policy no. is 20000365156..

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7/07/2022 11:34:28 AM

Category: General Insurance

A good company to insure with. Quick customer service and claims also. Really feeling happy to insure with LVGI.

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3/25/2020 05:15:28 PM

Category: General Insurance

customer satisfaction is the key to competency Have got a good feedback regarding the service.I hope we get to avail the services soon in dehradun...

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8/16/2019 10:40:28 PM

Category: General Insurance

I am happy to see that being a small company the employees talk to each other & resolve customer queries fast. I am pleased with the speed of service. Very professional people...

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11/08/2018 11:11:28 PM

Category: General Insurance

I was surprised to see the level of professionalism shown by the claims & customer service team. They were quick and courteous. Cheers...

Car Insurance Blogs

Registration Number: 150 | ARN:Advt/2018/March/26 | CIN: U66000MH2010PLC209656

2019 Liberty General Insurance Ltd.

Reg Office: 10th floor, Tower A, Peninsula Business Park, Ganpat Rao Kadam Marg, Lower Parel, Mumbai - 400013

Trade Logo displayed above belongs to Liberty Mutual and used by the Liberty General Insurance Limited under license. For more details on risk factors, terms & conditions please read sales brochure carefully before concluding a sale.